Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Thursday Thirteen #313

Greatest hits edition. I resumed participating in Thursday Thirteen back in January 2022. It's a fun exercise: I enjoy letting my mind wander and see what I'll come up with. I'm often inspired by seeing what y'all come up with, as well.

Since I like obviously like lists, this week's TT is a list of my most popular Thursday Thirteen posts since January 2022. Popularity is determined by the number of visits each post received.

1. Books I enjoyed in 2021

2. Items on my grocery list

3. Amazon's top sellers

4. Christmas gift ideas

5. Ways to prepare potatoes

6. Christmas songs

7. Pet names

8. Popular songs from 40 years ago this month

9. Charities I support

10. Things I'm grateful for

11. Most profitable movies

12. Facts about Titanic

13. Musicians we love

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.


  1. It always amazes me what people read on my blog, and what they don't read. A picture of a deer gets way more hits than some thoughtful musing.

    1. Yes. It's a bit demoralising to realise that Instagram and facebook readers of the small daily poems I'm posting this year respond more to the sentiments than the poetics.

  2. I enjoy the Thursday 13 lists.

  3. A list of lists! It's actually a fun and fascinating read just as it is. I'll come back and delve deeper a little later.

  4. It's always surprising what gets the most hits. Now I'll have to go back and check the potato one. That caught my eye (and I think I missed it the first time).


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