When was the last time you got a nose bleed? I get minor ones all the time in winter and spring, when the air is dry.
Do you keep magazines by your toilet? Do people really do that?
If you were a waiter/waitress, would you make good tips? I've never worked food service because I'm sure I'd be terrible at it.
Have you ever stolen a road sign or traffic barrier? No. I can't imagine why I would want to.
What are the best kind of Girl Scout cookies? I enjoy Thin Mints, true, but I loooove those peanut butter sandwich cookies.
When was the last time you purchased alcohol? I haven't yet this year.
Do you find it attractive when a guy actually shows his feelings? Depends on what those feelings are.
Are you a fussy eater? I'm becoming one, as I've been battling a rather tenacious stomach bug for months now.
List everything you ate and drank today: Water, saltines, a Slim Fast shake ... Jealous, aren't you?
How are you sitting? On my fat ass
Waiting for something? No
Do you like pretzels? Sure
Do you wait until you’ve completely finished a certain makeup product before you buy a new one? I try to. I don't like waste.
Did you wake up before 8:00 a.m. this morning? Yes
Have you ever told anyone you were okay when you really weren’t? Yes
Do you have reason to cry right now? I suppose, but I'm not going there
How many sodas a week do you have? Too many! Lots and lots and lots.
Do you shop at Victoria’s Secret? No.

Can you easily touch your toes? More easily than I can touch someone else's.
What did the last shoes you wore look like? Five eyelet, white running shoes.
What do you currently hear? A political ad. We've got a primary Tuesday, so the airwaves are pretty well flooded with them right now.
Have you ever done yoga? Yes. It didn't go well. I have a hard time completely relaxing in a crowded room.
Do you text a lot? Not a lot.
Do you have a fax machine at home? No
Do you know anyone who has diabetes? Yes
Have you ever had to block anyone online? No
Are you afraid of thunder and lightning? No
Are you a shop-a-holic? Yes
Are you healthy? HA! Not since December 23. But I hope to be healthy again someday soon.