1. How vain are you about how you look? I'm vain about my looks. Just not happy with them.
2. When you were little what was your favorite TV show? That Girl
3. If someone was going to make a movie or TV show about your life, who would play you and why? Carrie Fisher, because we look a bit alike and we share a sensibility.
4. Who is

5. What is your favorite baseball-related movie? The Natural.
6. What is one lesson you have learned in the past year? The Lads from Liverpool were right: "Pride can hurt you, too." Sometimes it's kinder, and it feels better, to just let some things that loved ones do slide.
7. Tell us about one of your childhood memories. My grandpa wore v-necked t-shirts. When I was little and would crawl into his lap for a hug, I remember feeling his chest hair against my cheek. He smelled of cigars and licorice-flavored throat lozenges. Grandpa gave the best hugs.
8. How do you handle sticky situations? Do you have a method? If so, what is it? Oh, I have a method. I tend to screw sticky situations up very badly.
9. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? Yes. My kid sister thinks I'm an unreasonable bitch.