1. Something someone told you about yourself that you never forgot. I don't remember if my mom said it and my best friend agreed, or if my best friend said it and my mom agreed, but one evening in 2004 the two of them concluded that no one is as happy as I am when I'm happy.
2. What are your 3 top pet peeves. Special Covid edition: People who spread conspiracy theories about the virus and its treatment; people who don't wear masks; people who don't social distance.
3. List five places you want to visit. Special Covid edition: Wrigley Field, a movie theater, the zoo, Key West to see Henry and Reg, the voting booth (early voting begins October 19).
4. Share something you struggle with. Special Covid edition: missing my friends; anger at assholes who spread conspiracy theories about the virus and its treatment; ping-ponging between anxiety and depression.
5. Post words of wisdom that speak to you. "What man has done, man can do."
6. Something you always think “what if....?” about. I try not to do this often because it makes me sad. But usually it's, "what if my oldest friend hadn't moved to Southern California?" I think she and I would both be happier.
7. Five blessings in your life. My cats, my health, my regular paycheck, my health insurance, my friends.
8. Something that you miss. MY OLD LIFE!
9. Post about your zodiac sign and whether or not it fits you. According to Cosmopolitan, Sagittarians are optimistic (usually, when there's not a fucking plague), restless (not really), progressive (REALLY!) and can't stand to be bossed around (oh, very, very true!).
10. Think of a word. Search for it on Google images. Write something inspired by the 11th image. My word: "Gubernatorial." I love saying that word. The 11th image: Wikipedia's 2006 map of the nation's governors.
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My inspired comment: I do not miss Rod Blagojevich. |
11. Write about an area of your life that you’d like to improve. I would like to roll with it better. I'm not feeling as resilient as I once did.
12. What made you laugh out loud today. It's Saturday night as I answer these. Today I got my hair cut, and my stylist and I laughed a great deal. He just bought his first new car in a decade, and is freaked out by the advanced driving system. His car "nags" him.
13. What are your goals for the next 30 days. My niece is getting married in a couple weeks. I'd like to stay on budget and not overspend.
14. Your highs and lows for the month. My highs: In September, I've done some good work for my client and I'm happy with my home improvements (new ceiling fans and smoke detector). My lows: There was a shooting in my nephew's dorm at WIU. I'm still upset about it. Why the hell would a college freshman bring a gun to school? What is wrong with people?
15. Favorite movies that you never get tired of watching. So many! The first two that come to mind.
16. Books you have read more than once. The one I just reread recently is The Diary of Anne Frank. It's haunting. Especially now, when we have somehow elected a President who believes in "the racehorse theory" and complimented a white audience on their "good genes."
17. Something about which you feel strongly. That we vote out the President who talks about "the racehorse theory" and "good genes." Such a man would never be welcome in my home, yet he resides in The Peoples House. (There's a link to JoeBiden.com at right.)
18. Five things that make you really happy. The Central Division Champion Chicago Cubs; all the pumpkin spice foods at Trader Joe's; singing with my shower radio; when I do laundry and find I got all the stains out; my cats are happy and healthy.
19. What are you excited about? My niece's wedding and THE NL PLAYOFFS! Go, Cubs, go!
20. Three celebrity crushes. I'm reading a dual biography of Henry Fonda and Jimmy Stewart, so they're top of mind (and awful cute). And Redford is their heir.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to reach for my swoon bottle.