1. What is your typical weekend like? I don't have a "typical" weekend because I like to leave them as unstructured as possible. In the words of my idol, JBKO, "The only routine with me is no routine at all."
2. Are you a party animal or a couch potato on the weekends? Couch potato. I actually prefer going out on Wednesdays and Thursdays because I find that Fridays and Saturday are the province of desperate amateurs bent on getting wasted and behaving badly. I far prefer it if my excessive alcohol consumption and bad behavior evolves naturally as I socialize with friends on a weeknight.
3. It wasn’t until 1940 that the two-day weekend became nationwide. I say it’s time for three-day weekend across the whole world! Wouldn’t you love to work 4 days and off 3 all the time? Do you think this is a good idea? Yes. But only if everyone else had to work the 5 day week. I'd love to have the grocery store, veterinarian office and post office all to myself every Monday.
4. Do you consider Sunday as a traditional day of rest? No. I consider it my traditional day of watching the morning news shows and then praying for the future of my country and the world. (And that's really only the slightest exaggeration.)
5. What are your around-the-house weekend chores? Grocery shopping and laundry.
6. If you have a significant other in your life or are dating, what is your favorite indoor and outdoor activity? Since I don't have an SO, I guess it means I don't have to answer, right?
7. Where would go for a romantic weekend getaway? Chateau Elan, a spa and winery just outside of Atlanta. I have been there 3 times, and it's bliss.
8. Do you have any special weekend traditions, quirks or rituals? I try for as much alone time as possible. My coworkers think I'm quite blabby and social, which amuses me because I don't think they have any idea how much that sociability takes out of me. I also try to touch base with my mom, my niece and nephew, at least by phone.
9. What is your weekend blogging routine? Saturday 9 and Sunday Stealing
10. Tell us about your favorite weekend memories as a child? The swingset in the backyard. We briefly had a slide, but eh. I didn't care about it one way or the other. But the swings! Flying through the air inspired so many games and fantasies!
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