My boss came into my office this afternoon, sat down, and started to discuss one of my coworkers with me. The one I work the most closely with. The one who gives me agita.
This month we're all being evaluated by peers and subordinates alike. The results go to our supervisors, who add their own observations and it turns into our annual reviews. Her peer reviews are coming in, and they aren't very complimentary.
"She doesn't push herself, and people think she doesn't care."
That's true. He knows it, I know it, and if she were honest, she'd admit it herself. It makes me sad, though, because strange as it seems, this job is important to her. She was divorced not that long ago and just bought her first place on her own, so the paycheck is vital. Our agency is quite famous and even though our account is far from glam, she enjoys the cachet.
She's going to be very upset by this.
My boss and I discussed it and it might be better to split us up for the next project. I can be very Type A when I work, and her lackadaisical appearance might be a response to that. I mean, if the writer (me) is passionate and opinionated, the graphic designer (her) might lay back a bit to keep the mood level. Maybe if she works with someone else, she will appear more involved.
I hope so, but I don't think so.
As unpleasant as this is, it's necessary. This is business and we have an obligation to give our clients a good product.
I'm sorry I know all this and wish I could stop thinking about it.
These are the thoughts and observations of me — a woman of a certain age. (Oh, my, God, I'm 65!) I'm single. I'm successful enough (independent, self supporting). I live just outside Chicago, the best city in the world. I'm an aunt and a friend. I feel that voices like mine are rather underrepresented online or in print. So here I am. If my musings resonate with you, please visit my blog again sometime.
Friday, September 05, 2008
DAY 05 -- September Fitness Challenge

Magic Number: 18

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