We are talking about jobs today. Pick any job of your career. Tell us when and where it was. Then answer today's Saturday: 9.
1. Tell us which job your are telling us about, and when you had it. I am currently the Associate Creative Director and have been here since 2004.
2. Where do/did you work? Just off Michigan Avenue in Chicago. The location is one of the things I like best about this job.
3. Tell us about that boss. He's another thing I like about it. He's very low-key, which balances my more agitated work personality. And after his dog had hip surgery and couldn't use the stairs as he recovered, my boss slept downstairs with him. Gotta respect a man like that.
4. Do/Did you find your work creative? If yes, how? Well, it is in my title! I do enjoy concepting -- coming up with new ways to sell familiar products.
5. Tell us about your favorite co-worker. I met my best friend at this job. He always put our client first, which I admire. On a personal level, he's one of the few people who seems to accept me as I am. I don't meet people I'm this comfortable with often, and I miss him every day.
6. Tell us about the biggest jerk in that job. The freakazoid bitch who fired my best friend. I know there are tough business decisions made every day and I accept that. Hell, I've made quite a few myself. But this wasn't a business-based decision. She's not about doing what's
best, she's about
winning. Canning my best bud is just one decision she's made that I don't respect.
7. Where do/did you see yourself with this job in five years? This is advertising -- 5 years out is too far to predict! If I make it through 2008 without being canned, I see myself there through 2010.
8. Tell us about your commute. 45 minutes door-to-door on the el. I have more company on the train these days, with gas prices over $4.00/gal
9. What hours of the day do/did you work? I get there when I get there (at least for now -- I do expect my boss to lose patience with me one of these days) and I stay until 5:30 or ... I once worked until 4:00 in the morning. We live by schedules, and I am proud to report I always make my deadlines. Yes, there may be bruising and occasionally loss of life, but I make my deadlines!
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