Find a song that uses this word either in the title or lyrics. Give us the title or part of the lyric that fits and the artist. Then say a little something about the tune and why you chose it. Posting a YouTube video of the song would be great, but not required. Here we go:1. want -- "I Want to Hold Your Hand" -- For me, all music begins with The Lads from Liverpool. As Kevin Kline said in
The Big Chill, "There is no other music, not in my house."
2. hell -- "Live and Let Die" --
You gotta give the other fellow hell … I've seen Macca do this in concert so many times, I involuntarily squint when I think of it, trying to adjust to the laser light explosions that I expect to accompany it

3. smack -- "Tupelo Honey" --
Sail it around the seven oceans, drop it smack in the middle of the deep blue sea … I recently discovered a cover of this Van Morrison ballad by
Dusty Springfield and it's lovely (even though she changes "smack" to "straight")
4. ugly -- "Make an Ugly Woman Your Wife" --
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife … This used to be mandatory at wedding receptions
5. beast -- "Beauty and the Beast" --
Certain as the sun rising in the east ... Beauty and the Beast -- You know how you can go forever without thinking of a song and then suddenly
it comes up again and again?
6. Romeo -- "Just Like Romeo and Juliet" --
Our love's gonna be written down in history, just like Romeo and Juliet -- I can imagine Potsie singing this at Al's
7. God -- "This One" --
The swan is gliding above the ocean, a god is riding upon his back ...I love Sir Paul's voice on this