Tomorrow I don't want to talk to anyone. I want my alone time. It's my time to recharge, refresh, and get ready for the new week.
I love my alone time. I am greedy and possessive of it.
The coworker who has been having all the marital problems is getting a divorce (but since she and her husband are still living together, I'll believe it when I see it) and wants to spend time with me. During work. After work. On the weekends.
I don't want to spend time with her. But I'm stymied when she asks what I'm doing instead. It sounds so anti-social to say, "I'm not doing anything. I just want my alone time."
I want to read. I want to watch TV (especially Crosstown Classic: Game 3). I want to nap on the sofa (which always feels a little decadent to me). Maybe I want to sort my books and clothes. I want to be on my own.
I love my alone time. I need my alone time. It clears my head and keeps me strong.