Today it's the local book sale. It's the library's major fundraiser, and quite an event. People line up around the block to get in and check out all the books. It's been going on for 38 summers, and while I haven't been here that long, I've been doing this long enough that I have my own personal traditions to observe:
First, I support the public library by making donations from my own personal library. Dropped it off earlier this week.
Second, I fill up a bag o'books at the sale. $6 got me 7 books. Mostly chick lit, a Lisa Scottoline mystery, and Lord of the Flies, which I haven't read in decades and am curious to see if I'll enjoy it on the reread.
Third, I examine the tables to see which once-popular book my village is now so over. Last year it was The Nanny Diaries. This year, the winner of this dubious distinction is … (drum roll, please) … The Da Vinci Code! Congratulations, Dan Brown!
Finally, I stop at Tasty Dog on the way home and pick up a value meal. I'm dining on my fries right now.
It's a happy way to start August.
Hats off to Mo for introducing me to the challenge last year.