John Edwards keeps revisiting his "two Americas" theme and reminding us of our responsibility to one another. I especially like his idea about encouraging grocery stores to do business in low-income areas. I recently saw a story on our local PBS station about inner city kids and obesity. There are neighborhoods in Chicago that don't have real grocery stores, just convenience stores with aisle after aisle of chips and prepackaged cupcakes and refrigerator cases filled with frozen pizza. What produce they carry is very expensive and not exactly as fresh as it might be.
Edwards is doing what I believe a statesman should do -- he's using the system to amplify the voices of those we don't always hear.
Of course, when I look at the Democratic field, I am pleased and proud. Our side looks like America -- with a woman, a Black and a Hispanic all still viable candidates. No matter which one my Party nominates, I will be comfortable with my choice next November.