Thursday, November 30, 2006

Today's best headline …


According to CBS and the AP, this happened in Lakeland, FL. That's his photo. In case you wonder what a guy who gets high and then strips to go play with a gator looks like.

I think it's exciting

I enjoy weather. That's part of why I think I live in the ideal place. The weather here is almost always interesting. Rain, storms, blue skies, subzero temperatures … we get it all. And, except for when the mercury reaches 85º or higher, I love it all.

Especially days like today. The temperature is falling. The sky is gray. Yes, boys and girls, the snowstorm is on it's way! The sky is supposed to open up on us this afternoon and continue depositing the white stuff on us until Friday morning. The result? 6" to 12" of shovelable, packable snow.

I waterproofed my big black boots. I dug out my water-repellant coat with the hood. I arranged for snow removal at my mother's house. I'm ready. BRING IT ON!

I plan to spend it all in one place

In exchange for that little ad you see top right, I get a free counter from our friends at AdSense, as well as the promise of riches every time someone clicks on the ad. As November draws to a close, I'm thrilled to report that I will have cleared over 60¢ this month. Once my balance reaches $50, AdSense will cut me a check. Which I will undoubtedly spend in the commissary at the retirement home where I will be residing.