Not for Rey. He still loves tormenting me as much as he did when we first met back in the fall of 2004.
Today he decided he had to eat at 3:00 and began terrorizing me. Singing. Knocking over picture frames. Spilling paperwork all over. Sneaking up behind me on the sofa where I was taking a nap, and eating my hair. He did this for two hours.
Then, at 5:00, I finally gave in and fed the cats. It was a little early for their dinner, but not that early. And Reynaldo was tiring me out.

He gulped down his kibble and then proceeded to vomit in my favorite, and most expensive, sandals. (If he has to vomit in my shoes, why not my Crocs? They're not only ugly, they're so easy to clean!)
Now he's relaxing and enjoying the early evening sun from his favorite spot on the living room floor. No wonder. He had an exhausting afternoon.