That's why it's making me CUH-RAZY that it's being discussed ad nauseum on the news shows! General Petraeus and Iraq, let's talk about that. Will these recent terror incidents, and the public's reaction, influence Gordon Brown's policy on Iraq? The impact of this Court reversing Brown v. Board of Education, let's talk about that. Does all this attention to Scooter mean that all is forgiven with Attorney General Gonzalez? All of these issues are far, far more important than Scooter, aren't they? Why have we allowed ourselves, and the media, to be distracted by this?
And, oh, how it's seeped into the 2008 discussion! Bill Clinton's impeachment ... Bill Clinton's last-minute pardons ... blah-blah-blah. NO CORRELATION. Apples and oranges. We all know that. The Clintons are discussing it themselves, running to their weakness, getting it out there, so by the time Iowans and New Hampshire-ites (is that right, Jenny?) get ready to cast their votes, Hillary can dismiss the whole pardon thing by saying, "Didn't Bill and I discuss this openly and honestly way back last summer?" And when we're talking about the (first) Clinton Presidency, we aren't talking about Barack Obama. So I understand Bill and Hill's motivation. But why is the press taking the bait and comparing/contrasting the Bill Clinton/George W. Bush pardons at this length?
McCain is imploding. Thompson still won't commit. What impact do Gore's family problems have on his decision to run? What's going on with the Edwards staff? Why are we STILL talking about Mark Rich and Susan McDougal?
I feel like we're being manipulated. How can we control the conversation?