Friday, January 01, 2021

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Feels like the First Time (1977)

1) Look up from your screen. What's the first thing you see? The armoire.

2) Looking back on 2020, what surprised you? That I contracted the corona virus. I was soooo careful -- except for about 15 minutes, when I helped an improperly masked grandmother at the post office. Isn't that a kick in the ass? Help a neighbor, get sick. From now on, I will turn my back on anyone I meet who is not wearing a mask.
Graphic: State of Michigan

3) Have you made any resolutions for 2021? Nope

4) In Italy, it's said that if you wear red underwear on New Year's Eve, you'll have good luck all year around. Do you have a lucky charm? A friend gave me a Guatamalan "worry doll." When I travel, I transfer my fear of flying to her.

5) In Spain, some New Year's Eve revelers believe that, at the stroke of midnight, you should eat exactly 12 grapes, one at a time and one right after the other, to bring you luck for the next twelve months. Did you have anything special on your New Year's Eve menu? I had roasted turkey breast and dressing with gravy. It was exciting because I've been on the BRAT diet* for the last three weeks. I savor the new foods I'm able to add to my daily menu.

6) In this week's featured song, Foreigner lead singer Lou Gramm lets us know that he'd sail across a stormy sea to reach his true love. How is the weather where you are today? Are you kicking off 2021 under calm skies, or is it stormy? Saturday will be about 30º and cloudy, but no precip.
7) In the 1990s, Gramm joined forces with Billy Joel in a series of concerts to preserve the Montauk Point Lighthouse. Do you have a favorite Billy Joel song? I like lots of them. This is the first one that came to mind.


8) In 1977, when this song was popular, Star Wars was breaking all box office records. The Spy Who Loved Me, a James Bond movie, was also a hit. If you were going to binge on one of these film series, would you choose Star Wars or Bond? Bond. James Bond.

9) Random question: Would you rather have nothing but green lights for all of 2021, or never have to stand in line for anything all year? I don't drive, so I'll go to the head of the line, thank you.

*Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Though I substituted saltines for toast, and had LOTS of chicken soup.


Reluctant to throw 2020 away

Same photo, new year
Last year, in my kitchen I hung a wall calendar that I'd purchased to support Colonial Williamsburg. I used it for reference only. The planner on my desk is where I notate appointments and birthdays. 

Except in December. Last month, my wall calendar is where I kept track of my covid symptoms. I wanted all the details easily accessible when I spoke to my doctor or the Department of Health. What a sad tale of woe it tells!

•  When I noticed I'd lost my sense of taste and smell, and when they returned (smell first)

•  The four days of fever

•  The day my rash appeared

•  The 24 days of gastrointestinal upset

I have a new calendar for 2021, featuring dogs and cats adopted from a local animal shelter. It's certainly a more joyous addition to my kitchen than my diarrhea diary. But here's the thing: I was one of the 12,685 new cases reported in Illinois on December 1. I am a part of history. I am a victim of my President's mismanagement of this crisis and lack of concern for the citizens he should serve. I benefited from the infrastructure put in place by Governor JB Pritzker, because my state government stepped up with rapid results and the offer of help with food/medication delivery.

These are unpleasant notes I scrawled in December, but they feel important. So instead of throwing it away, I'm tucking my 2020 calendar away in a drawer.


Welcome, 2021!

OK, so 2020 wasn't a good year. But it ended on a high note.

Food, glorious food! I went to Boston Market and picked up my celebratory meal: roasted turkey with dressing and steamed vegetables. I've been eating a bland diet for so long that it was like ambrosia. Since the stuffing contains onions, carrots and mushrooms, I saved the vegetables for my New Year's Day lunch. I don't want to overdo and disturb my gut. So far this week, I've already added berries without incident. I hope to have a healthy, well-rounded diet soon. (Oh yeah, and anyone who tells you that the corona virus is "just the flu" is a complete ass. I've now been living like this for a full month. And I'm one of the lucky ones! Stay home, comply with lockdown regulations, and value your life more than your livelihood.)

Carla. She and I have worked at the same company for more than 5 years and ran into one another at all-agency meetings. I liked her well enough because she always laughed at my jokes, but to be honest, I never gave her much thought. Anyway, because of the spring lay-offs, we ended up working on the same team and because of work from home, we discovered we live in the same neighborhood. When she learned I had covid, she offered to do my shopping for me. I didn't take her up on it, but I appreciated the gesture. And on Thursday, I was touched that she included me in her family tradition by bringing me some of the homemade tamales and salsa they have every New Year's Eve. I can't eat it, of course (see above), but that's not the point. She was enormously thoughtful and I appreciate it.