• Paula got all discombobulated, reviewing Jason's second number before he did it. Gotta love live TV!
• The songs and performances are so cheesy it's almost as if I AM watching the Cubs play those cheesehead Brewers (who I feel guilty for skipping in favor of Idol). Brooke was delightfully corny on "I'm a Believer," Jason shook his dreds as he strummed and crooned "Forever in Blue Jeans" and Archuleta was like a human can of Cheeze Whiz with "Sweet Caroline" and "Coming to America."
• David Cook has completely won me over, and Brooke redeemed herself with her second number, "I Am, I Said."
• Poor Syeesha. I never remember anything about her once she finishes. Tonight isn't any different.
• Every week I'm fonder and fonder of Simon. Of the four onstage every week, he's the only one who seems honest and genuine (if also occasionally insensitive). He's the grumpy old prof you made fun of but really, secretly wanted to give you an A.