2. What does your favorite shirt or blouse look like? It's a pale blue Eileen Fisher sweater set, tank and cardigan. With slacks it's dressy, with jeans it's business caz.
3. What does your favorite tee shirt say on it? "Books. Cats. Life Is Good." As it looks more likely that I'll be laid off, it's good to remember the simple things that make me happy.
4. Do you think you look better in casual or business attire? Casual. When I'm in serious business attire, I feel like I'm in "grown up drag."
5. What do you sleep in? Either just my panties or panties and a nightshirt. This week's nightshirt bears a big bright picture of Lucy Riccardo.
6. Do you wear expensive sneakers? I pay between $50 and $75 -- that's mid-range, right? The pair nearest me right now is by Ryka. (I never put my shoes away.)
7. What is your favorite hat? That would be the only one I have -- a Burberry bucket I wear on rainy days to keep my hair from frizzing and going booiiinggg!
8. Your preference for men: Boxers or briefs? Briefs -- and I like deep colors, too.
9. Your preference for women: Suits or dresses? Ew, ick! I'd prefer to wear slacks ad jeans. (Unless I'm waiting for Mad Men's Don Draper in the ladies' lounge. Sigh …)
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