Our office closes early on Fridays during the summer and so here I am, eating a salad (which I hate), drinking Arbor Mist strawberry zinfandel (yes, I know) and watching (sigh) Judge Alex.
Judge Alex Ferrer is so handsome! I know the from show's opening that he was once a cop, then a trial lawyer, then a criminal court judge, and now, an afternoon courtroom show hottie. He's got great shoulders, beautiful hands, and so many teeth I suspect that he's somehow distantly related to Donny and Marie.
There are so many things I should be doing: scrubbing the tub, a load of laundry (or three), paying my bills ... But I luxuriate in these lazy, stolen Friday afternoons: just me, my wine, and my afternoon courtroom hottie. Life is good! If only I had a cheeseburger instead of this damn salad, my life would be perfect.