Pinella came here after this team had been built. He had no say in any of the trades, in any of the signings. So in a way, he's been like us. Looking at all this talent, all this heart, and wondering how it's all gotten this far awry.
We have hitters who can't on base. Or if they do get on base, they run into double plays. We have a diva pitcher who believes the way to turn his luck around is to turn his catcher's mouth into hamburger.
As this losing streak has worn on, we could feel Lou's patience wearing out. So today, in the 8th, when all indeed was lost yet again this week, it was almost a relief to see Lou come barrelling out of the dugout, kick some dirt, use some unsportsmanlike language, and delay the inevitable, ugly outcome of the game by about 10 minutes. Yes, he'll get a fine and maybe a suspension, but on this hot, humid Saturday afternoon, it must have felt good. It felt good to me as I watched it.