Thursday, September 05, 2024

Oh, really? I hadn't heard!


My favorite-most ballplayer is coming home! For the first time since he was so cruelly ripped from us in 2021, our captain is returning to Wrigley Field. 

This is massive for Cub fans and for me, it feels very personal. Anthony Rizzo is not only the player who made the last out in 2016 World Series -- ending the 108 year championship drought -- and hit 242 of his 303 home runs as a Cubs, he is legit a philanthropist who made life here in Chicago better for his efforts.

He built the family waiting room at Lurie Children's Hospital. During covid, he catered lunches for healthcare workers doing the vaccinating (not only seeing that the workers ate, but making sure that struggling independent neighborhood restaurants saw business). I could go on and on -- and if you know me, you know I have! -- but it's such a big thing. Anthony Rizzo used his influence here in Chicago to do good and encourage others to do the same. His philanthropy continues in New York. For example, last month  he spent his 35th birthday at the FAO flagship store, giving pediatric cancer patients a shopping spree.

So I am beyond thrilled that I will be there in the stands Friday. It will be emotional. I'm not a cryer, but I know I won't get through the game without tears. He will get at least one ovation from the 41,000 fans at Wrigley Field on Friday, and he deserves it.

In fact, no one deserves it more.