This coming Thursday is Thanksgiving, the 44th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, and my birthday!
Since my birthday falls on a holiday, it's hard for people to celebrate what Elvis would call "the wonder of me" on the anniversary of my arrival. So instead it's a festival, which began last Friday with a trip down to Springfield with my oldest friend. We rode Amtrak, which made it an event, visited Lincoln's home (shown), law office, tomb and Presidential Museum. And my friend gave me my first birthday gift of the season (the Beatles book, Yesterday).
When I was a little girl, Abraham Lincoln was my first hero. I think part of that is because I've always been embarrassingly, geekily patriotic. But it's also because I was born and raised here, in the Land of Lincoln. We learned about Abe early and often and reverence for him is imprinted on me, just like my vaccination scar. Even though I spent the weekend in search of the man, he's still more mythic than real. Like Santa. I know he suffered depression, I know he lost his mother at an early age and buried two of his sons. He was smart as well as wise, literate, compassionate and decent. Even in wartime. It was impossible for me not to draw comparisons to the current, all-too-human resident of the White House -- who seems to have none of those attributes. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I'm wrong about Bush #43, and that 100 years from now, schoolchildren will be studying him along with Lincoln?
And then, the Lads. Black and white photos -- many that I've never seen before! -- of them in 1964. How young they were! Ringo, the oldest, was just 24. It's fascinating to see them at the beginning of Beatlemania, before drugs and Yoko and Apple dragged them down. It's also a little sad to see how much they smoked, especially when you consider what ultimately happened to poor George.
This afternoon, a dozen roses arrived. On the card, my niece and nephew in California refer to me as their "cool aunt." That I am. Even at 50. Of course, I've met my competition in the "cool aunt" category and it's not exactly tough. But still, the flowers are pretty and it's good to hear.