You know the Google Game: you key in your first name and the word “needs,” hit "search" and amuse yourself with the wacky answers. This week I’m trying a slight variation. Instead of finding out what cyberspace feels I need, I’m looking instead for what I want, and instead of using the venerable Google for help, I’ve turned to the newer search engine on the block, Bing.
It was very revealing. For Bing says that I want …
1) to make the Little League event as fun and pleasurable as possible. I’m thoughtful…
2) to rule the radio dial. And ambitious.
3) Bob to pull his hard [deleted] from my [deleted]. And lusty, but careful. I’m not going to let Google slap a warning on this blog like they did on Bud’s.
4) to quit and give another contestant a chance. And dedicated to fair play.
5) a different kind of job. And imaginative.
6) to go skiing, but I’m committed to baby sitting. And responsible.
7) to join your mob in Mobsters, a mafia-style combat game played on My Space. And involved in social networking sites.
8) customers to know they count at GMI Equipment Co. And a good corporate citizen.
9) to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Tuesday night. And a fan of the supernatural, especially when it’s lighthearted.
10) to know what you’re going to do with the baton in your hands. Is this related to #3?
11) to take 10 months off from my teaching position to move to Washington, DC, and give my input to lawmakers. I’m either dedicated to the cause of education, or I'm a buttinski.
12) an iPhone! YES!!! Judging by the emphatic punctuation, I’m more excited about technology than I am about Bob’s hard [deleted].
13) to be more than just a housewife, but Steve won’t allow it. Won’t “allow” it? No wonder I turned to Bob!