These are the thoughts and observations of me — a woman of a certain age. (Oh, my, God, I'm 65!) I'm single. I'm successful enough (independent, self supporting). I live just outside Chicago, the best city in the world. I'm an aunt and a friend. I feel that voices like mine are rather underrepresented online or in print. So here I am. If my musings resonate with you, please visit my blog again sometime.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
I like the idea of revisiting America 50 years ago. So for this TT, I am listing the names given most often to baby girls born that year. (Source:
1) Mary
2) Lisa
3) Susan
4) Linda
5) Karen
6) Patricia
7) Donna
8) Cynthia
9) Sandra
11) Brenda
12) Barbara
13) Debra
It does pretty much read like roll call from my childhood PE class.
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We're NOT helpless

Nor will I dismiss the defense team as slimeballs. Every one of us is entitled to a zealous defense before a jury of our peers. I watched as much of this trial as I could -- one of the reasons why I support cameras in the courtroom -- and am satisfied that Casey Anthony was treated fairly. That is a good thing, a wonderful thing.
What I'm surprised and disappointed by is all the hand wringing and whining about the jury system. Huh? What? When I'm called for jury duty, just about every person I know teases me about how I'm going to get out of it.
If you're angry about this verdict, or any other one, remember that it was decided by jurors who didn't wriggle out of jury service. Maybe it's because I do go each time I'm called and answer questions honestly that helps me not be as disillusioned as I might be. The system will work if we all participate. Next time you receive a jury summons, try to figure out how to serve rather than how to get out of it.
Tip tips

Doing the heavy lifting may not require a bonus. "We never expect or ask for a tip," says Mike Atkinson, owner of highly rated Experienced Movers in Pearl, Miss. "We don't want to burden our customers with trying to figure in a tip after we've given them an estimate on the cost of the move."
However, grateful homeowners tend to show their appreciation, regardless. For light moves, offer a $10 to $20 tip per mover. For larger moves, companies say a tip of $20 to $50 is appropriate.
House cleaners
"If customers ask me about tipping, I tell them that it's never required, but would always be appreciated," says Linda Rabenberg, owner of highly rated Linda Rombach Personalized Cleaning in St. Charles, Mo. "We don't expect tips because I pay my employees well and house cleaning is fairly expensive to begin with.
"Almost all our customers leave a Christmas tip or gift," she adds, which might be a box of chocolates or 100 percent of their pay. "During the rest of the year, very few customers tip."
If you use a handyman or lawn care professional regularly, give them a $15 to $50 tip once a year - perhaps during the holidays - as a thoughtful "thank you."
Contractors, such as plumbers and electricians, don't expect a tip. However, some Angie's List members feel compelled to reward those who go above and beyond. "I have tipped my plumber," says Friday Hamlet of Box Elder, S.D. "He went out of his way to help me by driving to my home to hook up the water so I could wash clothes. All free of charge!"
Pet sitters/pooper scoopers
Pet sitters and pooper scoopers don't require a tip, but they say it's appreciated. "I've had people give me gift cards for fuel or coffee," says Jim Skirvin, owner of highly rated K-9 Scooper in Fairfield, Ohio. "I certainly don't ask for anything extra, but it's nice." If you regularly use the same one, provide an occasional 15 percent tip or annual gift.
Hair stylists/barbers
Deciding who to tip at salons confounds even the best of us. "Many guests have questions regarding how to tip when there is more than one person helping out," Miller says. "If someone other than the stylist shampoos your hair, that person will always be appreciative of a little extra money."
Stylists say they typically receive a 15 to 20 percent tip, but it varies. "There are clients who always tip and clients who never tip," says Karla Watson, owner of highly rated Flip Hair Salon in Portland, Ore. "Clients shouldn't worry about tipping a certain percentage, but should tip the amount they feel comfortable with."
When hiring a bus or limousine service, be sure to check that company's policy on gratuity. Some strictly forbid it, while others build it into the rental price. "We operate under different rules than most transportation outfits," says Kay Smith, manager of highly rated Caledonian Coach Co. in Stafford, Texas, which provides private bus charters and tours. "It varies per region." Typically, the driver receives at least $1 per passenger.
It's customary to tip taxi drivers 15 to 20 percent. If you don't have cash, make sure the driver accepts credit cards.
Most times, the same nail technician will do both your manicure and pedicure and a tip of 10 to 20 percent is appropriate. However, if different people perform individual services, then be sure to split the tip accordingly. "I'd say 95 percent of clients leave a tip," says Laura Puhl, owner of highly rated The Laura Gregory Salon in Columbus, Ohio. "If you can't, you can't - it varies. Some people tip way too much."
Car wash
A full-service car wash - which may include vacuuming, waxing and towel drying - should warrant a $2 to $3 tip for a car, or $3 to $5 for an SUV, truck or van. Many places post a box for tips near the exit, with all tips split between the workers. If there's no box, give a couple bucks to whoever performed final touches after the wash.
For full detailing, consider a 15 percent tip. "I try not to place any expectations on gratuity," says Kenny Ryan, owner of highly-rated Echelon Detailing in Carrollton, Texas. "The services we offer are pretty well covered in the cost. When it does come, it's a bonus."
Massage therapists
Massage therapists at spas often receive a tip of 15 to 20 percent. "It varies from place to place, but most massage therapists work on commission as an employee of the salon or spa," Puhl says of her Columbus salon. "Any extra reward is always appreciated." However, a medical or rehabilitative massage typically doesn't call for gratuities.
Animal grooming
Customers find pet groomers in a variety of settings - from big box stores to mobile grooming vans. If you're especially pleased, tip 15 percent of the bill or $2 per dog. Be sure to offer a little extra for a filthy Fido. "People will leave a larger tip if their dog is difficult," says Jennifer Lavelle, owner of highly rated Kool Dogs Training Academy & Kool Klips Grooming in Brookhaven, Pa. "But I always tell them it doesn't matter if they tip me or not."