June 18 is Paul McCartney's birthday, and I'm celebrating by devoting each of my June TT's to his life and his career.
Today, here are 13 numeric facts about Sir Paul
1) At age 11, he was one of just 4 boys in his class who advanced to the Liverpool Institute for Boys, where he studied English and Art.
2) In 1956, when he was 14, his mother, Mary, died of breast cancer. This left Paul traumatized, but it also inspired him to self expression. As he has said, "I lost a mother and picked up a guitar."
3) The following year, in summer 1957, at age 15 he met some kid named Lennon at a local church picnic an

4) Almost 200 of the 240 songs recorded by the Beatles are credited to Lennon-McCartney.
5) With the Beatles, he won 12 Grammy awards.
6) At age 28, the Beatles disbanded and he considered himself unemployed.
7) During his post-Beatle career, he won 6 more Grammy awards.
8) More than 350,000 fans in Brazil paid to see him in concert in 1989. Currently this is the record for tickets sold to a single musical event.
9) He has been engaged four times: Jane Asher, Linda Eastman, Heather Mills and, currently, Nancy Shevell
10) He and first wife Linda were married for 29 years.
11) Together they raised four children -- Heather, Mary, Stella and James
12) He has one child, Beatrice, 7, with his second wife, Heather. (The less said about Heather Mills, the better.)
13) A savvy businessman, his personal worth is estimated to be $290,000,000. It looks like a lot, but before the Recession and his expensive divorce from Heather Mills, he was worth nearly a billion.