I am vaguely yet naggingly uncomfortable about my current client project because I can't trust the dillweed I'm stuck working with …
My former boss is healing slowly, so slowly that he actually said he'd "prefer the cancer" to the painful and tenacious stomach malady he's dealing with …
I feel ridiculously sad that "Big Russ" and Luke Russert will have to spend Father's Day without Tim Russert …
my head feels all stuffy …
I am distinctly not happy with the way my mid-month finances are going …
So I'm coping by curling up on the sofa with a big bowl of breakfast cereal, watching the Cubs. Sure, Soriano is hurt again. OK, so Gallagher gave up three runs in the first. What of it? This glorious team is never completely out of the running. We've gone from a hopeless 3-0 at the end of the first to an extremely winnable 3-1 at the end of the fifth.
I feel sorry for everyone who doesn't have a team.