But what if Barack Obama had decided not to run this time around? Conventional wisdom was that Hillary Clinton was unstoppable, that she had the big money donors, the celebrity and the Washington pedigree. It would be completely understandable if Obama had been intimidated by the Clinton Machine and decided to wait until 2012.
That would have left John Edwards to represent change, and these days, change infuses the atmosphere. It's very possible that in this scenario, he would be the presumptive nominee. A nomination he would be more than happy to accept in Denver later this month.
And then this awful story comes to light, just weeks before the convention. Where would this have left the party? The country? He was willing to gamble with more than his career. He was playing chicken with the two party system.
I don't care how blue his eyes are. Handsome is as handsome does. John Edwards is defined by a monstrously ugly ego. What's the word I'm looking for here?
Oh, yeah: "Bastard."