Remember that old Agatha Christie classic, And Then There Were None? Here at work, we seem to be re-enacting it. Every time we meet in a certain conference room, there are fewer of us. Except instead of a murderer knocking off us "little Indians," it's layoffs.
I'm trying not to freak out, because what would be the point? The problems seem more tied to agency infrastructure than to any particular campaign. I can't fix this. I can help minimize the problem, but I can't fix it.
My mortgage is paid 6 months in advance. I have 7 months' expenses socked away (I wish it were 8, but somehow I just can't get to and stay at that threshold). Until the economy turns around a bit and jobs are more plentiful, I think I've done what I can.
Now I just have to trust in my preparation, trust in my ability to do well while I'm here, trust in God and fate, and try not to make myself crazy.