Friday, June 01, 2007

Sure, blame your catcher

Today exemplified why I don't like Carlos Zambrano -- why he joins the exclusive company of Todd Hundley and Dave Kingman as the only Cubs in franchise history that I can't stand.

He had a bad day. Just the most recent bad day in the bad season he's suffering through. There are those fans who maintain he's all pissy because his contract still hasn't been settled and the Cubs are being sold. Whatever. I don't care, because Zambrano is all about Zambrano.

He gave up (I believe) 5 runs in a single inning. And he seems to have blamed this on his catcher, Michael Barrett, who he then slugged and sent to the hospital with a swollen lip.

Yes, Barrett dropped a ball and made a bad throw. Yes, Zambrano has talent and potential. So what? I'd rather have him turn a little of that passion inward, quit blaming his teammates, and try to change his losing ways.

He seems to prefer punching his catcher in the mouth.

The Gal's Feeling Accomplished

Left the office today at a little after 2:00. Did my grocery shopping and picked up a burger on the way home. Finished 3 loads of wash. Did some online research for my best friend's project (he's sick and has a big report due Monday AM).

I have so inspired myself that I just might do something about all those sweatshirts in the front of my armoire. (It is, after all, 80º+ here.)

All this & it's barely 8:00! I am unstoppable! I feel completely fabulous, virtuous &, well, other words that end in "ous."