Accent: Well, I don't think I have an accent. My best friend, who lives in Denver, maintains I have "a Chicago accent, like Hillary Clinton," which he tells me means my r's are hard and my a's are broad. Which could very well be true, since I don't think Hillary has an accent, either.
Breakfast or no breakfast: Monday-Friday, just a glass of milk and a can of Coke. Weekends, either a bowl of cereal or a big coffee shop breakfast with eggs as the centerpiece.
Chore I don’t care for: I don't really enjoy any chores. I hate, loathe, despise and abominate laundry, though.
Dog or Cat: Cat. Or cats. Today my best feline friend has been my big old black and white tub of guts, Joey. He's been very affectionate and attentive surrounding today's festivities. He has seemed more in tune to why our daily schedule was off and he's been very sweet about it. I've said it before -- Joey may be my dopiest cat, but he's my hero. He has an unfailingly sensitive, positive nature.
Essential Electronics: iPod.
Favorite Perfume: Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker
Gold or Silver: Silver
Handbag I carry most often: No such thing. I change my bags at least twice a week.
Insomnia: At times.
Job Title: Associate Creative Director
Kids: None
Living Arrangements: Me and the cats in the a 2BR condo
Most Admirable Trait: I'm strong like bull
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: I was a "loud" child. "Keep it down!" "Shush!" "Will you PLEASE knock it off?"
Overnight hospital stays: In 2003. Removal of uterine fibroids. Much worse than today's festivities.
Phobias: Air travel. No, make that suddenly and violently aborted air travel.
Quote: The proverb, "What man has done, man can do."
Reason to smile: All the kindness and support I received yesterday and today in regards to the festivities.
Siblings: Two sisters with me in the middle
Time I wake up: 6:00 or 6:30 am
Unusual Talent or Skill: I can wiggle my right ear
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Uncooked tomatoes. Their consistency is just wrong and gives me the heebies jeebies.
Worst Habit: I can be a very lazy, lazy slug (A habit Ms. Kwiz and I share)
X-rays: Dental x-rays and an MRI
Yummy Stuff: Whoopie pies. Newly discovered and highly addictive (A vice Ms. Kwiz and I share)
Zoo Animal I Like Most: Okapi