Also, scrubbed the tub, sink, toilet and bathroom floor. I have the world's smallest bathroom, so it wasn't that big a deal. But I'm trying to maintain my new neat/clean surroundings as best I can, and it makes me happy when I accomplish my day's goal.
The Bad. I hurt. My incision is really giving me grief today. I'm two weeks post-op, so I know I can expect this periodically for another week or two. Knowing it's normal is comforting, but not comfortable. I miss my pain meds! But I'll have to get by with plain old OTC aspirin/acetaminophen from here on out.
The Sad. Today would have been my uncle's 70th birthday. It's sad that he's gone, but I'm comforted in knowing his cat Bennie is in Heaven with him. How he loved that old girl!