1) How do you show others love? What makes you feel loved? Like the song says, "I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour." I'm available to those I love. I put the time in. I feel loved when someone trusts me and shares what's important and dear to them.
2) Who is someone you admire? Why? I have always admired JBKO. She lived her life on her own terms, despite unsparing public scrutiny and judgement. She faced everything life threw at her with matchless grace. As Margaret Mitchell described another heroine/horsewoman Scarlett O'Hara, she "took her fences cleanly, like a good hunter." Jackie confronted hardship and then did her best to move on.
3) Do you have the qualities you value in a friend? I like to think so. I work at it.
4) What is something you enjoyed doing when you were younger but don't do anymore? Why did you stop doing it? I used to dance a lot. Alone, at home, I'd turn up the music and spin around to get my heart rate up. I don't know why I stopped, but I don't it anymore.
5) What is something other people think is fun but you don't? Sci-fi and fantasy. The Turner Classic Movie Film Festival is in a few weeks and they just announced the opening night, red carpet film: The Empire Strikes Back. It's a big deal, and there's an extra fee to have director George Lucas himself introduce the film. I'm happy for all the fans who are happy. I'm also happy to save the money, because I quite literally have no interest in it.