I miss you guys! Most of all at about 2:00 in the afternoon.
As part of my self-proclaimed September Fitness Month, I have tried to work out more, eat better, and live without candy altogether. It’s been harder than I thought it would be. While I have only fallen off the wagon once – and since it was while at the movies, I’m not sure it should count – I find that I constantly want to go to the vending machine and grab one of these economically priced, readily available, always dependable sugar fixes.
1) Hershey’s Milk Chocolate with Almonds
2) Butterfinger
3) Three Musketeers
4) Hershey’s Special Dark
5) York Peppermint Patties
6) Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
7) Peanut M&M’s
8) Mary Janes
9) Bit o’ Honey
10) Tootsie Rolls
11) Sno-caps (but only at the movies)
12) Twizzlers (see above)
13) Starburst (original flavor only)
If you had to give up candy, which would you miss most? Include your answer in comments and I’ll add you here:
1. Kwizgiver can't "divorce herself from any yummies"
2. Poor Anthony North has had to give up all sweets!
3. Malcolm is a fan of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
4. Hootin' Ani would miss Butterfingers most of all
5. SJR prefers Godiva Truffles
6. Nicole Austin would "go crazy" without Dove Dark Chocolate
7. Jenny McB would miss jelly beans and Mike & Ike
8. Sandy's cravings depend on the day -- and she bounces between fruity and chocolatey
9. Shannon is a woman of definite taste -- CHOCOLATE
10. DK votes for dark chocolate
11. Megan is saving a candy bar for me
12. Yen is a dark chocolate lover
13. Likewise, Adelle would long for chocolate14. Meju would miss jelly beans
15. Lori is inclusive -- practically the whole list got her mouth watering
16. Journeywoman prefers Milky Ways or Life Saver Fruit Chews
17. Tammy keeps dark chocolate stashed away
18. Popping Bubbles is with me on Bit o' Honeys
19. Meg would miss Sour Patch Kids
20. Qtpies7 would AGONIZE over the loss of Hershey's Symphony Bars!
21. Yummy would miss Gummy Worms/Bears
22. Siteseer is a fan of peppermint patties.
23. Debbie goes for Peanut Butter Cups
24. Starrlight couldn't live without Twix
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