2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there? I believe I'm on the Nice list. Though I guess only the big guy knows for sure.
3. Did you ship any gifts to friends and family this year? If so, which one traveled the farthest? I sent a pen-and-ink to my cousin in Tampa, which is 1100 miles from Chicago, and a mug and t-shirt to my friend in Beverly Hills, just over 2000 miles away.

4. Did you buy yourself a gift this year? Yes. I got myself a season of Bonanza DVDs. They help fuel my current love affair with the 1860s. I've mostly been watching these and holiday specials. I don't like reality these days and will only return to it when forced to. (I also got myself a package of 6 pair of Hanes white panties, but I don't consider anything that utilitarian a gift.)
5. What's your favorite holiday-themed movie? Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol. It was on last night. I am happy.
6. Thinking of movies, Christmas is lucrative for Hollywood. Have you ever gone to a movie theater on Christmas Day? Nope. And obviously this year I won't be seeing The Interview. I wouldn't have -- not a big Seth Rogan fan and don't find assassinations inherently funny. But I hate, hate, hate it that the North Koreans can keep a movie from being released.
7. Have you ever suffered an embarrassing moment at the company Christmas party? Yes. And we're never speaking of it again.
8. What's your favorite beverage in cold weather? Bailey's. I haven't had one yet this year. Must rectify that this evening.
9. What will you remember most about 2014? I think I will remember my birthday trip to Vegas.