• Snow removal service. Because if I didn't do this, she would stubbornly be out there on her own, shovel in hand.
• Renewal of her TV Guide subscription. So she will never miss a Bulls game and can stay up on her behind-the-scenes gossip about soaps and talk shows.
• A pelican buried in the sand, enjoying a Long Island Iced Tea. Every year I get her a garish, horrible Christmas ornament. She loves them, and hangs them on the tree where she can see them as she enjoys her coffee and newspaper.
• Squirrel food. Made by Girl Scouts to benefit a local animal shelter, she'll enjoy watching the squirrels dine in her beloved backyard.
• Cranberry Body Butter. She's forever complaining about her dry skin.
Instead of a cake, we're going to have a giant Mrs. Field's chocolate chip cookie.
I love my mom very much, and while these gifts may seem less conventional than a sweater or a brooch, they are all perfect for her.