1) I have only two pillows on the solitary, full-sized bed in my bedroom. Not four pillows piled high on each of the queen-sized beds.
2) When doing my toenails at home, I am on the sofa, knees bent against my chest, bifocals on, hoping that the shower will wash away any excess polish I've slopped on either side. Instead of laying back under an umbrella, poolside, having my cuticles tended to and my drink refreshed as my nails are filed perfectly flat.
3) My refrigerator has two Miller Lites, still in that white plastic ring-thing. Not one bottle each Amstel Lite, Coors Lite, Budweiser and Miller, as well as a variety of vodkas and gins.
4) If I leave towels on the floor in my bathroom, they stay on the floor all day.
5) No one is there to compliment me on my lovely green eyes, wish me a good day, ask if there's anything they can do to help, and whisper that if I run out to the pool right now, I can see a celebrity.
I miss you, Hotel Roosevelt on Hollywood Boulevard.