She is my best friend's oldest daughter, and Quito is the capital of Ecuador. She's on a 17-day school trip that will take her through city markets and small local farms (she's helping with the crops) and even horseback riding around a volcano. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and he's thrilled for her ... except ...

As soon as she gets back in the United States, she has to take off for a three-day, previously scheduled basketball camp at the local university. So now he won't see her now until Sunday night, June 25. She's missing his birthday, her birthday and Father's Day.
He says he's more lonesome than worried (which amused me, since she just left this morning). Never mind that she's being supervised every step of the way, that she's going to have the best month of her young life. He's bummed. Because in his mind, she hasn't just finished her freshman year of high school. In his heart, they still look like this.
Knowing how bad he feels about not having her with him on their birthdays and Father's Day, I'm proud of him for sending her off with a kiss and a hug but no guilt.