Anyway, I liked Haley's "I'm Your Baby Tonight," even though she left the judges lukewarm. Maybe it's because I always liked that song and haven't heard it in a while ...
Same with Casey's "Feels Like Teen Spirit." It's a cool song that I haven't heard in forever, and I might be responding more to the song than the performance. But still, I thought Casey sounded genuine. "Here we are now/entertain us."
I thought Stefano's "If You Don't Know Me By Now" was completely hitsville. Love the song, love the performance.
Lauren's "I'm the Only One" was great. (How can Melissa Etheridge possibly be gay when we've clearly slept with the same guys?) Her voice was sensual and passionate.
Don't know how I feel about Paul. He is, as Steven said, the very definition of a "cool dude in a loose mood." His Elton cover was memorable but ... a little precious and pretentious. But maybe he'll grow on me. Same with James' Bon Jovi cover. He seemed to working too hard on bringing a rocker/crazy personality to the Idol stage. You, James, are no Daughtry.
The rest? I didn't love 'em or hate 'em. They just didn't stand out for me.
But it's early. I take my Idol very seriously and reserve the right to completely change my mind about everybody next week!