Appetizer. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you look forward to your birthday? Ten. I love my birthday.
Soup. What is one word you don’t like the sound, spelling, or meaning of? "Occasion." It always looks like it's spelled incorrectly.
Salad. Do you wear sunglasses when you’re outside? If so, what does your current pair look like? This is a little embarrassing to admit, but I'm a sunglass-a-holic. This week I've been alternating between three pair of blue glasses. I also have quite a few black pairs, a green pair and a purple pair. I know, it's silly. But it's fun, too!
Main Course. If you were to write a book, to whom would you dedicate it? Wow! What a great question! I think it would depend who was most supportive and/or inspirational as I worked on this book.
Dessert. Name a beverage that you enjoy. I have a tasty can of Classic Coke right here.
For more information, or to serve up your own feast, visit fridaysfeast.com.