My best friend was in town on Tuesday and Wednesday night. He had to attend focus groups that ran until 9:00, then entertain his clients a bit, so these were really late nights. (On Tuesday we didn't even meet until midnight.) We were both dead on our feet and the reasonable thing would have been to just agree that seeing one another this trip just wouldn't work. But we didn't.
After all, who knows how many visits like this we'll have? He really doesn't care for this job. I love him and I want to be happy, so naturally I support him 100% when it comes to finding professional fulfillment. But we both know a new job will mean no more regular business trips to Chicago. I may someday go visit him and his family in Colorado. I'm sure we'll still email and talk regularly, but it won't be the same. Soon enough there will be no more late nights, laughing and strolling up Michigan Avenue. I'm so comfortable with him. I'll miss our time together so much. The trick, of course, is to not let my worrying about the future deprive me of our fun in the moment.