Thursday, August 29, 2024

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 29

Today's happiness: I'm not diabetic.

My 2024 Happiness Icon

That may seem like a strange thing to be happy about, but I was worried. My late friend John was diabetic. My oldest friend is diabetic. My friend Kathy is diabetic. Mindy's husband Alan is diabetic ... It seems like all the kids I run with are diabetic!

I had bloodwork this morning and my A1c is 6.0. Yes, it's higher than normal (5.7) but it's not in the diabetic range (6.5% and above). It's also lower than it was last year (6.1) and 2020 (6.2). I guess drinking more water and doing yoga really is making a difference to my health.*
I am not only happy with these results, I'm grateful. To have a test in the morning and then see the results within hours is a wonderful thing. To have the results show I'm moving in the right direction is super terrific.

Happy August Happiness Challenge!
Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.


*Now my cholesterol has gone up, though. I expect to be getting a message from my doctor within a couple days. (I'm aware we're going into a holiday weekend and I'm not an emergency.)

Thursday Thirteen #374

13 "other" things to do with your cell phone. I still have a landline, and when I want to make a call, it's still what I reach for. Similarly, if you want to talk to me in real time, you're more likely to connect with me on the landline. When I'm home, my cell is often in my purse.

But really, cellphones aren't really telephones anymore. They are portable computers and personal assistants. Here are 13 things I do with my cell phone that have nothing to do with (verbal) conversation.

1. Take pictures

2. Send texts

3. Respond to Messenger

4. Check Facebook

5. Check email

6. Summon rideshares

7. Get real-time transit information

8. Confirm my work schedule at the card shop

9. Get cheap eats through Too Good to Go

10. Listen to baseball through MLB app

11. Turn to Google Maps for directions

12. Access my library's music selection and stream tunes

13. Listen to podcasts

How do you most often use your cellphone?

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.