Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday Thirteen #374

13 "other" things to do with your cell phone. I still have a landline, and when I want to make a call, it's still what I reach for. Similarly, if you want to talk to me in real time, you're more likely to connect with me on the landline. When I'm home, my cell is often in my purse.

But really, cellphones aren't really telephones anymore. They are portable computers and personal assistants. Here are 13 things I do with my cell phone that have nothing to do with (verbal) conversation.

1. Take pictures

2. Send texts

3. Respond to Messenger

4. Check Facebook

5. Check email

6. Summon rideshares

7. Get real-time transit information

8. Confirm my work schedule at the card shop

9. Get cheap eats through Too Good to Go

10. Listen to baseball through MLB app

11. Turn to Google Maps for directions

12. Access my library's music selection and stream tunes

13. Listen to podcasts

How do you most often use your cellphone?

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.


  1. So true. The cell phone is more of a computer. Too small for me to operate from in general, but it comes in handy and is starting to feel necessary when I'm out.

  2. I use mine mostly for listening to audio books from the library. I dislike talking on cell phones. It *might* make a difference if I had the most up-to-date phone as far as taking photos, but I still prefer a camera to my phone. But I also use it for the other things you mention, and I've been trying to do better and use it for reminders and the calendar. That's still a work in progress.

  3. I got to confiscate my first cell phone from a student today... She was texting in class (rather than following my wonderful science lecture ;).

    I play games, check Bluesky, and use it as an alarm clock.

  4. I so rarely make any phone calls that I forget sometimes that's the primary purpose of my cell phone!


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