Ted Kennedy, with his thick mane of white hair thinned at the site of his brain cancer surgery, addressing the DNC, talking about how a torch has once again been passed to a new generation … the work begins anew, the hope rises again, and the dream goes on. As one who learned from the Kennedy example that public service is each of our responsibility, listening to the now elderly and ailing youngest brother conjure up the Camelot idealism touched me deeply. Gulp.
And there is Senator Kerry, talking about how dedicated Ted Kennedy is to working with "President Barack Obama." If Ohio had broken differently, if those Swiftboat Veterans actually had been interested in truth, tonight we would be discussing the second term of President John Kerry. Even if this wasn't difficult for him, it was very for hard for me. I will always regret that, as a Kerry campaign volunteer, I didn't do more, didn't work harder, didn't do better. He is a wonderful man and he should have won. I think what happened on that November Tuesday four years ago broke my heart in a way that can't ever repaired.