Almost a week ago, on 12/23, my office closed for the holiday. Coworkers started filing out at about 3:30. I stuck around because, well, that's what I do.
A little after 4:00, my boss' boss' admin (the secretary to Mr. Big) was asked to please stick around until 5:00. Our HR representative showed up after 4:00, as well. I thought she was just doing her pre-Christmas Woman of the People number and I came out of my office to give her a hug. (It's her first Christmas since her father's death.) She looked genuinely surprised to see me.
Now why were Mr. Big, the HR rep and an admin stuck in the office right before the office closes until January 5?
Also, while we didn't receive bonuses this year, our paychecks were direct deposited early. We got our 12/31 checks on 12/23. Yes, it was nice to have it early, but was it really done to make our holidays easier? Or so that they wouldn't owe any of us any money on January 5 if they lay us off?
Will I return to the office to receive a pink slip? Or to watch my coworkers get axed? I'm leaving for Key West tomorrow -- so does thinking about this serve any purpose at all? The answer to that last one is no. My airfare and a portion of my hotel is paid for already so there's no reason to fret about the cost of the trip. If I'm being laid off, my name is already on a list and the forms are in work. So I'm trying to let it go.
It's 77º in Key West right now. It's supposed to precip-free and just under 80º every day I'm there. I'm trying to concentrate on that instead.