What was your first “real” job? A secretary (we were called "secretaries" back then) in the Newspaper Advertising Dept. at Sears Corporate Office in Sears Tower.
Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity? The tub. I seem to get my best ideas while I'm bathing or showering, and can't write them down!
Complete this sentence: I am embarrassed when my stomach growls during a meeting.
Main Course
What values did your parents instill in you? I learned from my mom that pets are members of our family, too, and must be treated with love and respect.
Name 3 fads from your teenage years. (1) TV was dominated by cheesey variety shows -- Donny & Marie, Sonny & Cher, Tony Orlando & Dawn; (2) Girls wore their hair long, straight, and parted down the middle; (3) CB radios