Honest, she doesn't.
Ever fight in a church?Only with the pastor
When was the last time someone said you were hot?It's been ages. :(
When did you last lie with a straight face?Yesterday
What is the most money you have spent on a gift?$200
Ever taken pics you regret?no
Would you rather live in the country, city, or suburbs?City
Last time you were truly in love?I'm always in love. The relationships just don't succeed.
Ever take money from a stranger?no
Who is on your mind right now?Lou Piniella
Do you think piercings are sexy?not so much
Who did you last curse at?Somebody on the el platform, but it was under my breath
Do you donate blood?Yes
Are you religious?Yes
Where did you graduate from?Didn't
Do you like your job?usually
What is you're heritage?German/Irish
What is you're favorite kind of music?Pop
Are you healthy or do you have medical problems?I have some nagging, chronic health problems, but today I feel peachy
What was the last Youtube video you watched?Tina Fey as Sarah Palin
Do you have any ridiculous fears?Being in a plane crash
What is the most disgusting thing you have ever seen on the internet?Someone being cut from a snake after being devoured alive. It might have been fake. I was too creeped out to look closely.
What should you be doing right now?Working
What is your favorite thing to spend money on?Purses
Do you regret doing anything over the last week?no
If you could have any type superpower what would it be?I'd be invisible
Who will be the next president of the United States?I'm scared to predict
When did you last have a great kiss?I don't remember exactly WHEN it was, but I remember who and where. Sigh
What was the last thing you purchased?I ordered a DVD player and hope it will be available for pickup soon
What are your current goals?Seeing the Cubs through to their second consecutive NL East Championship!
Ever see the 2 girls 1 cup video?no
What so far is the single best moment of your life?Hard to pick just one. The first one that pops into my head was when my then-boyfriend woke me up because he was holding me so close in his sleep. It was a very sweet moment
Do you watch the olympics?No
What do you do to try and help the environment?I'm a good recycler and I don't drive
What is your most favorite meal in the world?Rib eye steak
What do you think of guys that wear pink shirts?I don't care
What is your favorite breed of dog?Shelter rescue
Is there a celebrity that you dont understand why they're famous?Paris Hilton
Do you dislike any celebrities?Scarlett Johanssen
What do you think of dating someone you meet on the internet?I don't see myself doing it
Do you return purchases back to the store often?No
Is there any TV shows you wish were still on the air?thirtysomething -- though now it would have to be fiftysomething
What is your favorite smell?Bacon frying
How do you feel about the cost of college tuition?it's ridiculous
What hobby would people be suprised that you enjoy?This blog -- only one person in my "real" life knows about it
In the last year have you learned or improved on any skills?I've become more of a team player
Are there "friends" in your life that you wish werent in your life?no
Is there any accent that you find sexy?Brits
Do you prefer yellow or white gold?White
Do you know what your birth flower is?no
Would others say you are open minded?Depends on the topic
Do you honestly consider yourself a good friend?yes, very
Are you looking forward to anything that is happening in the next 24 hours?Cubs beating St. Louis, Milwaukee losing to Cincy
Have you ever set up friends and they ended up together long term?no
If you could have any person in the room with you right now who would it be?My best friend
What were you doing right before you started this?Trying to ignore this piece of work that is sitting here, staring at me, and making me feel guilty because I haven't finished it