Here's my first entry in a new meme by Becca. I'll let her describe it in her own words:
The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, I will put out a random topic from my list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back here! You can add photos, links or stories or just a simple list of your own of 5 things that relate to the topic as it pertains to you and your life experiences. It doesn't have to be in any order of importance unless otherwise specified.
Today's topic: Give Me 5 Smells That Remind You of Childhood
1) Hot chocolate. My oldest friend's dad used to take us sledding and then to a local restaurant for hot chocolate. It's a dear memory.
2) Cinnamon. I used to hate oatmeal (I'm still not a big fan), so my mom would make Cream of Wheat instead and add a liberal amount of cinnamon.
3) Avon Skin-So-Soft Bath Oil. I remember that smell lingering in the steam after my mother took her bath.
4) Sweet Honesty by Avon. The kids' cologne I was allowed to wear when I was in grammar school. Does Avon still make it?
5) Chlorine. Swimming lessons! How accomplished I felt the first time I swam the length -- not the width, the LENGTH -- of the pool!
For more about "Give Me 5 Monday," or to play along, visit Becca's Buzz.