Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sunday Stealing


 1. What you did you do today? It's so early Sunday morning that I really can't claim to have accomplished anything yet, except giving my boycat, Roy Hobbs, the snuggle he demanded.

 2.  What are the must-sees in your area?

Wrigley Field. Right now, at this moment on Sunday morning, my guys are in the play-offs! It's by a razor-thin margin and depending on what happens here against Colorado and in Cincinnati, the Wild Card standings could look different. But, right now, my guys are in the play-offs.

 3. What is your favorite quote? We can't be perfect but we can be present: Joe Maddon (Cubs Manager 2015-2019)

 4. What was the last thing you cooked or ate? I had a late dinner of a hot dog with a side of mashed potatoes.

 5. What is something you learned from your grandparents? They were Cub fans. As you can see, they handed it down to me.

 6. What makes you happy? The Cubs! (Are you noticing a theme here? I'm very happy this morning because of the Wild Card standings.)

 7. What is your best travel memory? I'm very much looking forward to the TCM Film Festival in Hollywood this coming spring, so I'll name TCMFF 2019, 2022 and 2023.

 8. What’s the weather like today? 70º and sunny.

 9. Share an interesting fact that you’ve learned. Decades ago in school I learned that President Eisenhower was the moving force behind our interstate highway system, but it wasn't until I read this biography last month that I fully understood the ramifications. If you live in a suburb and drive more than 20 minutes to work, you're reaping the benefits of his foresight. Before Ike, Americans literally lived where they worked, or worked where they lived. The flexibility our modern workforce enjoys is due in large part to him. (OK, I thought it was interesting; of course, I'm a nerd.) 

 10. What is your favorite book, movie or band.

 11.  Write your favorite poem or haiku?  Don't let anyone say that it's just a game, for I've seen other teams and it's just not the same/When you're born in Chicago you're blessed and you're healed the first time you walk into Wrigley Field: Eddie Vedder, Someday We'll Go All the Way.

 12. What is a local festival or tradition from your area? Our local restaurants and bars closed a few streets and had a little neighborhood Octoberfest Friday night through Saturday night. It's a happy get together, and I like to crash the kids' rootbeer garden and get a float.

 13. What was the best thing you learned in school? I think it was how to interact with peers. I don't think teachers, scout leaders and coaches get the credit they deserve for not allowing us to grow into completely self-centered adults.

GO, CUBS, GO! C'mon, Guys! Please win today.