Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ouch! That hurt!

So at lunchtime today I'm at CVS, trying to reach around these two women who are planted in the aisle, arguing and not moving. The older one was the noisier one -- gray hair, thick glasses with big, bejeweled frames, her shoulders round under her bright red coat. Her daughter was so bundled up in cold weather gear (it's only 9º here today) that it was hard to assess her age or manner.

They were arguing about whether or not to buy the Del Monte canned fruit. Finally Granny snapped, "I'm 53 years old! I should know what I want!"

53? She was only 53? I thought she was at least 70!

53 … That makes her closer to my age than to my mom's. That makes her closer to my age than I am to many of my friends. Therefore I wonder if I look at myself objectively, if I don't look more like her than I care to think.

No wonder I went and had a beer after that.