Tuesday, July 30, 2024



WWW. WEDNESDAY asks three questions to prompt you to speak bookishly. To participate, and to see how other book lovers responded, click here

PS I no longer participate in WWW.WEDNESDAY via that link because her blog won't accept Blogger comments. I mention this only to save you the frustration I experienced trying to link up.

1. What are you currently reading? Once Upon a Time by Elizabeth Beller. Twenty five years after her death, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy gets her own biography. Beller's premise is that Carolyn didn't get a fair shake from the press in her lifetime, and that we've evolved as a country to the point that we may be able to understand her better.

In real time, the press portrayed her as a bitch. A demanding ice goddess who harshed the buzz we all got from America's prince. There's even a school of thought that Carolyn was responsible for her own death, as well as the deaths of her husband and sister. They took off late that July afternoon and missed the daylight John needed for a safe flight because she was (wait for it) having her pedi done and redone.

This book is decidedly pro-Carolyn, something the author doesn't deny. As I read this, I can't help thinking of Meghan Markle and Linda McCartney. We can be hard on women who don't conform with our ideal of who should marry our favorite men.

2. What did you recently finish reading? Agatha Raisin and the Wellspring of Death by M.C. Beaton. Locals come from miles around to fill their flasks with the mineral water that flows from a natural spring. A corporation takes note and makes plans to bottle and sell the water. Because she's not only a local but a PR wiz, they hire Agatha Raisin to help them with the new product launch. This is important because not everyone in Ancombe is enthusiastic about the project. In fact, some who opposed it ends up dead.


I liked this edition of the series because I guessed the killer straight away. While I felt brilliant, I must confess that I didn't base my conclusion on evidence. I just didn't like that character. But still, a good time was had by all.

3. What will you read next? Don't know.