2. Did man really go to the moon or was it a publicity stunt? It was a publicity stunt. The Clintons killed Jeffrey Epstein. The corona virus is a hoax and we should all go to the beach. If you believe otherwise, you're a sheeple.
3. Given the opportunity to change one major aspect of your life (i.e. career, relationship, family) with no guarantee of the outcome, would you take the chance? Why? Wow. Great question! I'd go back to my mid-20s and get out of a very bad relationship earlier. I could have spared myself a great deal of pain and found myself with a less toxic view of love. Of course, maybe that pain was my destiny, maybe I needed to learn from that relationship, and so another equally rotten but different man would have somehow entered my life.
4. Does money buy happiness? All money buys is less worry about money.
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Hi, Rey! |
6. What are we going to do when we run out of room to bury the dead? I didn't realize I was in charge of that.
7. What is your greatest fear? Why? Is it rational or unreasonable? I'm afraid of dying in a plane crash. It's not the dying part, it's the descent and the screams of my fellow passengers that terrifies me. No, it is not rational.
8. How do you feel about the exploitation of your private data in the digital age? Does it ever cross your mind or are you hyper-aware of the risks? It concerns me, but I don't obsess about it. (I obsess about many other things I cannot control, but not this.)
10. Hot or cold? What? If it's weather, I prefer cold. If it's tea, I prefer hot.
11. What is your favorite thing in the world (aside from family, friends, pets)?
12. You have to give up one of your five senses. Which one would you go without? Smell. It's already dulled when I'm fighting allergies, and I get by all right.
13. Do you believe everyone has a doppelgänger? Nope.
14. Likewise, does everyone have a soulmate or is it just a matter of proximity and circumstance? I'm a romantic at heart. I want to believe.
15. Imagine you have a theme song that plays every time you enter a room. What would your song be? If this played, people would expect something light-hearted. I like that.